What’s so great about these headphones? Well, there are a variety of models available to suit every set of needs, all of them offering exemplary quality and style.
To begin, I love the Audio Technica Closed Back Headphones, which take sound quality to a new level with D.A.D.S. (double air damping system), ideal for bass tones.
The Audio-Technica Full Size Open Air Headphones provide similar quality in an ultra-comfortable package, featuring a self-adjusting band and lightweight aluminum casting.
But if you’re looking for the ultimate professional pair, I recommend the Audio-Technica Open Air Dynamic Monitor Headphones, which boast supreme sound isolation (so you can tune out everyone and everything) and cool rotating ear cups, in case you must temporarily hear things from the outside world.
All these must be pretty expensive, right? Not necessarily. Visit an affordable electronics website like www.TheTwisterGroup.com, and you’ll be able to pick up these and other Audio-Technica pairs for $50, $100, or even $150 off. Now get rockin’!
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